Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day +684

We went with Todd on his business trip and enjoyed a very nice mini vacation in PDX/Vancouver this week. It was so nice to be “home”! The kids and I dropped him off and went over to OMSI. They really liked the dinosaur exhibit and the space exhibit. Joshua pretty much went from one spot to another…like a humming bird. This kid has way too much energy!
It was hilarious to watch the kids at the news weather forecasting exhibit. They were laughing hysterically (seriously, it was a scene) when they realized Dylan’s shirt, which was green, made him nothing more than a floating head on the tv due to the green screen. They made him do all kinds of funny things. I should have gotten it on video, darn it!

After all of that, we met up with our friends at the Firstenburg pool for the 2-hour homeschool swim. FUN!

Lab Values (from Feb.1st)
WBC: 7.6 / PLT: 264 / HCT: 38